April 16, 2024
Project customer: "Allten" LLC.
Brief information about the project: bisyor.uz is a bulletin board. This website was established in 2018 and updated in 2020. Today, this network of online stores unites 92 stores in Tashkent. Also, ordinary users have the opportunity to advertise their goods or services by posting their ad.
Project opportunities: The project developer has created the following opportunities for online store users:
- Provide information about the owner of bisyor.uz online store;
- The website can remotely advertise for users and find potential buyers;
- He can use the paid services of the website for his advertisement through online payment systems (Click, Payme, Paynet);
- Shop owners using the website are given the opportunity to sell their goods and services through bisyor.uz;
- It is possible to use the website through a modern and convenient interface;
- for bisyor.uz Administrators and Moderators to moderate the information of service shops on the website;
- administrator control panel designed for managing the online store for bisyor.uz Administrators and Moderators;
- And other possibilities.