April 16, 2024
Profi University
Project customer: «Profi University» LLC - a private university that trains specialists in the fields of pedagogy, economics and programming.
Brief information about the project: This project is the official website of «Profi University» LLC. Our team assisted the «Profi» team in redesigning and improving this site. Through this site, users can get acquainted with «Profi University» LLC. Including the following types of information provided to the site user:
- Detailed information about the university;;
- Information about the university faculties;
- Information about educational directions;
- Information about foreign partners;
- Information about the teacher, specialists;
- University life news, as well as videos and photo galleries;
- Videos and photo galleries from student life;
- Vacancies;
- Contact Information;
- and other types of information.
Currently, “Profi University” has the following specialties:
- Educational Management;
- Preschool education;
- Elementary education;
- Russian language;
- Foreign language (English);
- Pedagogy-psychology;
- Uzbek language and literature;
- Economy;
- Accounting and auditing;
- Банковский счет и аудит;
- Marketing;
- Tourism;
- Information systems and technologies.