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KZO FVV Mobile app
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  • Mobile app


  • April 16, 2024
  • 2603

Project customer: MoES Seismoprognostik monitoring Republican center.

Brief information about the project: KZO FVV is a mobile application "Warning of strong earthquake". This mobile app was created in 2023. The main goal of creating a mobile application is to familiarize all sections of the population of the Republic with information on how to properly act before, during and after a strong earthquake, and to increase earthquake literacy of the population.

Project opportunities: The project developer has created the following opportunities for online store users:

  1. Obtaining information about MoES Seismoprognostic Monitoring Republican Center;
  2. Teach proper behavior before, during and after a strong earthquake;
  3. Receive information about earthquakes;
  4. View statistics about earthquakes;
  5. And other possibilities.


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