April 22, 2024
Project customer: "BPM GROUP" LLC.
Brief information about the project: Agrobuy is an online message board for buying and selling agricultural products. This site was created in 2020. The main purpose of creating this system is to assist in the sale and purchase of agricultural products of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Project opportunities: In this project, the following functions have been created for site users:
- A farm selling agricultural products can register and sell its products;
- Buyers can purchase agricultural products from sellers on the site;
- The site can advertise users remotely and find potential buyers;
- He can use paid services of the site for his advertising through online payment systems (Click, Payme, Paynet);
- Owners of stores using the site are given the opportunity to sell their goods and services through bisyor.uz;
- You can use the site through a modern and convenient interface;
- Administrators and Moderators of bisyor.uz moderate the information of car services on the site;
- administrator control panel, designed to manage the online store for Administrators and Moderators of bisyor.uz;
- And other possibilities.